Part 2: Covid 19 and Business in 2021

Boardwalktech, Inc.
4 min readFeb 4, 2021

Part 2: COVID 19 and Business in 2021

COVID has ravaged small businesses to large enterprises. But for every touch of grey, there is a silver lining.

COVID will now officially go into the history books as a pivotal point in U.S. and world history.

It has changed the way we live, the way we eat, the way we engage with our colleagues and loved ones, and the way we work.

It has altered global supply chains and it has hit businesses, of all sizes.

Pressure has been put on businesses of all sizes but remember:

‘Pressure makes Diamonds’.

I will not point blame. I will not get into politics.

I will however broadly outline the silver lining and the moments of epiphany that has awoken businesses, in every vertical, large or small.

First, we must all tip our hat to brick-and-mortar businesses, and the service industry, who, out of their own pocket, have devised incredibly creative ways to continue to serve their customers.

I was in South Lake Tahoe, on the California side, where everything is closed, yet one restaurant found a loophole, by building heated ‘huts’, that could fit up to 5 people.

This is a big thing on the East Coast as well, where it gets much colder.

Even before the entire lockdown of California, cities, towns, and counties created brilliant open, outdoor seating…



Boardwalktech, Inc.

We Unify Enterprise Information and Make It Actionable. From Concept to Consumer.